This section describes the various windows available to view portfolio information. Importantly these windows are shared among multiple exchanges. I.e All active orders of all connected exchanges will show on the Active Orders window.
View |
Icon |
Description |
Active Orders |
This window shows all orders which are active in the market for all code(s) available to the user currently logged in.
Suspended Orders |
Active orders which have been suspended (ie removed from the market, but still available for re-submission) are shown on this window.
Completed Orders
This window shows orders that have traded. |
Deals |
Deals for all code(s) available to the user currently logged in are shown in this page - deals can also be added and split on this window.
Positions |
This window shows positions for all code(s) available to the user logged in.
Orders to confirm |
This window shows all orders which are active in the market for all code(s) available to the user currently logged in, that need to be confirmed. |
Triggered Orders |
All current triggered orders for all code(s) available to the user logged in are shown in this window.
1. | Portfolio pages will only be available if the user has trading rights. |
2. | These pages can be accessed either by clicking on the relevant icons when logged in with Swordfish, or by clicking on Views from the Swordfish menu and then selecting the page(s). |
3. | Some pages will only be available if the user has sufficient rights (eg Suspended Orders, Triggered Orders, Orders to confirm). |
4. | The font sizes of these Portfolio windows can be changed by simultaneously holding the Ctrl key and moving your mouse wheel forwards for increase in font size or moving your mouse wheel backwards for decrease in font size. |
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