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Principal and Dealer Filter

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This functionality is useful for brokers that need to find relevant client information. The Swordfish windows of Active Orders, Completed Orders and Deals are filtered by the filter criteria in the Principal Filter or the dealer filter Tool.


Take note that the Positions window is not affected by the Dealer filter.



Dealer Filter




Enter the desired principal code in the principal Filter field.


To filter by multiple comma separated values,enter 2 or 3 desired principals in the principal filter field, separated by commas.


Check the 'Apply Filter' icon.


See the window filtered by principal code 9996S.










Filtering by dealer code




Enter the desired Dealer Code in the Dealer filter field.


To filter by multiple comma separated values, enter 2 or 3 desired dealer codes in the dealer filter field, separated by commas.


Check the 'Apply Filter' icon.


See the deals window filtered by dealer NET.







The image below shows Active Orders filtered by multiple principals:





1.No text in the field means that no filter is applied and that all rows are shown.

2.If the filter value ends with a comma that the filter is temporarily removed.

3.Silo Portfolio Windows do not participate in Principal and Dealer filtering.










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