Order confirmation
If checked, Swordfish will display a confirmation message each time the user places an order. Useful to ensure validity of orders before they are submitted.
Order confirm default on Yes button
If checked, the order confirmation message box will have focus set on the "Yes" button. The default is focus on the "No" button.
Delete/Suspend order confirmation
If checked, Swordfish will display a confirmation message before an active order is canceled or suspended and before a suspended order is deleted by the user.
Follow market price
If checked, the order placement box price field will follow the market by default. This can still be turned on and off on the order placement dialog box.
Last ref code
Use this code as the start sequence for default order reference number. Eg 00001 in this field will generate 00001 then 00002 as the next order reference. John1 will generate John1 then John2 as next order reference.
Order to confirm notification
This alert is used for a broker member to confirm a user's order notification.
Highlight selected instrument row
If checked, the entire row in a instrument window will be highlighted when an instrument is selected. Colour is yellow.
Enable DDE
Turns on DDE in Swordfish and allows linking to DDE-enabled applications.
"Chat" in Messages
Displays chat communication messages in Messages tab page
Deals in Messages
Displays Buy and Sell trades in Messages tab page
Enable mouse wheel values change
Mouse wheel movement will change values of quantity and price fields
Auto load charts
Load charts previously open at last closing of Swordfish.
Swap order place box
If unchecked this option will display 'Bid/Buy' order place box when
clicking on a 'Bid Qty' or 'Bid Price' cells. Clicking on a Ask Qty or Ask
Price will display 'Ask/Sell' order place box.
If checked this option will display 'Ask/Sell' order place box when
clicking on a 'Bid Qty' or 'Bid Price' cells. Clicking on a Ask Qty or Ask
Price will display 'Bid/Buy' order place box.
Always show chat popup
If checked this option will display new chat message notification in the Windows Operating System task bar.
View Cumulative Depth
If unchecked the 'Depth' window of an Instrument will display upon opening the depth of an Instrument.
If checked the 'Cumulative Depth' window will display upon opening the depth of an Instrument.
Select price on focus
Environment setting that will select order place window price field contents on focus. This will allow user to quickly over type the price.
Calculate IntVol for Options Instruments
If this box is checked, the column IntVol is calculated for an option and delta option instruments
Calculate Bid & Ask Volatility for options instruments
If this box is checked, the columns for bid and ask volatility is calculated for option and delta option instruments
Keep window columns autosized
If checked, most windows will autosize the columns as they are opened or switched.