Silo Spot Basis Active Orders submitted to the Safex Agricultural exchange are shown in this window. Order quantity can be updated as well as the premium value.
Orders can be canceled, suspended and suspended orders can be resubmitted.
An order that was submitted and not yet traded in the market can be canceled.
The user might be able to select orders to cancel but Swordfish permissions will not allow the actual cancel of the order(s) if the user has no cancel rights. |
An active order that was submitted and not yet traded in the market can be suspended.
Open by clicking on View > Silo Spot Basis > Active/Suspended Orders on the Swordfish main menu.
Select the order(s) you wish to suspend. Use Ctrl + left mouse click to select multiple orders. When you have selected the order(s), click the Susp menu item and the order(s) will be suspended.
This section explains how to update a single active order Bid or Sell order quantity. The active order will only retain its position in the order stack on successful change and update of the order quantity.
This section explains how to update the Order Premium from the Active Order window. This update method will not guarantee that the position of the order in the stack is retained.
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